Planet Mojo Contract & Audit Info
Security, Audit & Decentralization Information
Security and Decentralization via Gnosis Safe
In line with Planet Mojo’s business model en route to eventually becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), the following smart contract ownerships are given to the Gnosis Safe.
Gnosis Safe is the most trusted and viable platform to manage such digital assets with their state-of-the-art multi-signature feature for DAOs and teams.
A pre-defined number of signatures are required to confirm transactions to be executed within the safe which helps prevent unauthorized access to company crypto assets and smart contracts. In our case, signatures from at least 2 out of 3 addresses are required to authorize transactions, which helps to keep Planet Mojo’s smart contracts decentralized, safe and secure. All 3 of the addresses are owned by unique crypto wallets, whose ownerships are verifiable with the information given below:
Decentralization Efforts
Planet Mojo adopts Gnosis Safe to improve the decentralization of the project.
Gnosis safe:
- Address: 0x34d6631240697c4BFd348F977Ca4f1e5AF3c03a9
- Owners/Co-Signers:
- 0xB633f41Bfd125Ae205D1dF2bcF3994160F3921A3
- 0xF57072EFc4729F635D01eBe5e1150F10f09447F5
- 0x9C778941489315A6e8C9Cb79B0e36fcb4Fd4a581
- Policy: 2 out of 3 owner signatures required for transaction
- This Gnosis safe is the owner of all four contracts
- Moj-Seed ERC721 contract:
Address: 0x690e0dF3c6f1f6F317d273c4A1529761597776b1
- Mojo ERC721 contract: 0x43f2932341c1F619648c7A077b49393Ca882b4d1
- Sale/Minting contract: 0x4E6eF755F5917113E29Abd33E2B4CF16293d7503
- Mojo sprouting contract: 0xCdD0A312C148e1cd449FcD8e7aaF186dF6A1a691
Audit Information
Planet Mojo’s NFT smart contracts were audited by Certik.
Important Information
Only the official website will hold the mint for Moj-Seed NFTs. There will never be another minting website. Keep an eye out for domain extensions, which are commonly exploited by scammers.
Only use to sign transactions related to minting Moj-Seed NFTs. Other websites claiming to add functionality to your Planet Mojo NFTs and requesting your wallet signature are scams. Please stay away from them at all costs.
Please be aware of Planet Mojo’s legal disclaimers.
About Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo is a magical Web3 gaming metaverse and platform being built by veterans of LucasArts, EA, Activision, ILM, and more. Players will compete with their customized teams in a suite of eSports, PvP, and “play and earn” games set on a mysterious alien planet, with an evolving narrative. The long-term goal is to create a sustainable gaming project and platform for the next generation of gamers, where they own their in-game assets and have a say in the project’s future direction.